...Our Smukke...

DKCH.SCH. Schjetne's Baundless'Love


DOB. 27.09.99 


Kevin of The Water Region CH Britishpride No Fear at Mystyle Britishprid Power N Glory Petworth Captai Pugwas of Ringablok
Petworth Passion Potter of Britishpride
Britishpride Hanky Panky CH Stoneacre Red Revenge
Outdoors Repeat of Britishpride
One And Only of The Water Region Higgins of The Woodhillroad Man of Kent of The Water region
Broadway Bell of The water Region
Smarden Bell of The Water Region Bullsaye Sandy Macnab
Eliza of The Woodhillroad
Go For Gold v.d Bleyenhoek Spartak Jubilee CH Camard Academy Award Sunniryl Spitfire
Dolly Dot v.d Bleyenhoek
JWW Madonna Baby v.d Bleyenhoek Duke of Kent of The Water Region
Madonna v.d Bleyenhoek
Wonder v.d Bleyenhoek JW91,DKCH,INTCH,NLCH,BCH,LCH Red Boy v.d Bleyenhoek Greatshot Buckmaster
Pebbles v.d Bleyenhoek
Two Face v.d. Bleyenhoek INTCH Duke Junior v.d Bleyenhoek
Madonna v.d Bleyenhoek



Her she is our new Danish Champion, picture taken 24.03.03


Her she is our new Swedish Champion, picture taken in the ring 24.05.03


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I'm Smukke, my name means  Pretty in English, I'm dad's girl, when he first saw me when I 

was newborn he was in love with me.... And he ask my mum, to keep me at home,,, and 

she was so kind to say, yes if you really won't her she is yours...


I sleep in my dad's bed every night, I love it,, and I know he can't sleep without me heheheheehe.


My temper is soft, I have a funny character, love to play and always happy, me and my 

sister have fun together when we irritating the other dogs, we jump on them together 

kissing and liking them in the face, and they start to bark at us,,, stop you silly girls !!!

But we just leafing at them and jumping around in the sofa, and have fun...


But when I enter the show ring I behave like a queen, walk, stand, behave excellent... 

To this day I have two CAC in Denmark, and one res.CAC in Germany...
Smukke became Danish Champion 23.03.03, and BEST BITCH in Steppinge
she was handled by Frieda Shuurmans v.d Wiel, Bleyenhoek Holland.
Smukke became Swedish Champion 24.05.03, and Best Bitch 2.
Handled by me...
Smukke-27.marts.jpg (49698 byte) 

Smukke judge.jpg (36139 byte) Annamus,vil også i ringen.jpg (47957 byte) 



© Copyrights of all the Pictures and Web Design belongs to "SCHJETNE's BULLDOGS"

Do not copy without any permission from the owner/ web-master of this page, 

Nanna-Charlotte Schjetne, thanks...

Last Update of this page, 18. February 2004