...Our Victor...

Became both Finnish Champion & Danish Champion 07.06.2003

Congratulation to Krisse and Kari, we are more and proud, thanks allot

DKCH.FINCH. Schjetne's Victor T'Brave

DOB. 25.10.2000 


Victor T'Brave is son of World Winner 2000




Bak's Josva The Great

Cidelott's Body and Soul Lianca Extrem Wulff Island Setsquare Surrey Oak of Quintic
Honeybord Harem Scarem at Lianca
Bullhard's Konstansia To Cidelott Sirbley Jameson at Cidelott
SCH Bullhard's Certina
Bak's Gismo Ricard Løwenherz Artos Simplicissimus Teddybear
Pickwick Ozzie
Simplicissimus "X Für'n U" Smiley's Carlos
Simplicissimus Relax
Go For Gold v.d Bleyenhoek Spartak Jubilee CH Camard Academy Award Sunniryl Spitfire
Dolly Dot v.d Bleyenhoek
JWW Madonna Baby v.d Bleyenhoek Duke of Kent of The Water Region
Madonna v.d Bleyenhoek
Wonder v.d Bleyenhoek JW91,DKCH,INTCH,NLCH,BCH,LCH Red Boy v.d Bleyenhoek Greatshot Buckmaster
Pebbles v.d Bleyenhoek
Two Face v.d. Bleyenhoek INTCH Duke Junior v.d Bleyenhoek
Madonna v.d Bleyenhoek




Victor was born out of a litter of 8 puppies, terrible they was born 10 days to early

But Victor T'Brave and his litter sister Victoria, made it true life.

Victor owner was a lovely young man Jack Jensen he was like a son for us

and a very best friend, smart brave and handsome.


Jack was born with cystic fibroses a lung disease, Jack was waiting on new lungs

but sadly he was ill in February, only a few days after his last show with Victor.

Jack was in hospital from February the 19, and past away March 8.

It was a shock to get the message from Jacks mum



Jack's dream was to make Victor T'Brave a Champion, he was dam good to show 

him, a really quick learner, and he become a good handler...


Jack's dream will come true, Victor T'Brave live in Finland with our good friends, Krisse and Kari, Jewbull's Bulldogs and they will complete Jack's dream.


Victor's first show out in Finland, 29.06.02 he got his first CAC and CACIB,

the very next day 30.06.02, he got his second  CAC and became BEST OF BREED


Show, date



Helsinki 8.6.2002 (Bullit Show) Hyvönen, Mattila, Penttinen Best Male 4
Forssa int 29.6.02. INT.Show Paula Heikkinen.Lehkonen CK, BD2, CC, CACIB
Loimaa 30.6.02 Kirsi Laamanen CK,BD1,CC, Best Of Breed
Harjavalta 6.7.02 Diego Ramalho, P Jun 1place/1winner
Kokkola 14.7.02. INT.Show August de Wilde, B CK,BD1,CC, CACIB, Best Of Breed
Rauma 27.7.02 Soile Bister   CK,BD1,CC, BD1, Best Of Breed, Best In Group-3 (Zafrak Sirik, Israel)
Valkeakoski  3.8.2002 Maria de Wilde Voiet, B CK, BD1, Best Of Breed
Somero 4.8.2002 Knut Sigurd Wilberg, GB/N CK, BD1, Best Opposite Sex
Ballerup Denmark.22.09.02  Wera Hübenthal, N 1,place,1winner,CK,CAC,Res.CACIB,BIK2

© Copyrights of all the Pictures and Web Design belongs to "SCHJETNE's BULLDOGS"

Do not copy without any permission from the owner/ web-master of this page, Nanna-Charlotte Schjetne, thanks...

Last Update of this page, 04. July 2003