...Our Danny...

Schjetne's Danish'Salute

DOB. 25.10.2001 


In Finland


DK CH Schjetne's F'st Dog "Holger T'Dane" Mooby Grape De Winooka INTCH. FCH. BCH. Pickwick Action Man CHCH. INTCH. BCH. DCHKLB Pickwick Quasimodo
Pickwick Kitty
FCH. CS. Shade Van De Mammelocker Sandean Sir Maxim
Pickwick Dancing Doll
Nunuka's Elvira Madigan JW95 Big Ben v.d Bleyenhoek JW91,DKCH,INTCH,NLCH,BCH,LCH Red Boy v.d Bleyenhoek
Two Face v.d. Bleyenhoek
DKCH,KLBCH,INTCH Chowbull Ælga Olga DKCH,KLBCH Simply The Best v.d Bleyenhoek
DKCH,KLBCH,KBHV92 Simplicissimus "American Express"
Schjetne's Danish'Dream Kevin of The Whater Region CH Britishpride No Fear at Mystyle Britishprid Power N Glory
Britishpride Hanky Panky
One And Only of The Water Region Higgins of The Woodhillroad
Smarden Bell of The Water Region
Go For Gold v.d Bleyenhoek Spartak Jubilee CH Camard Academy Award
JWW Madonna Baby v.d Bleyenhoek
Wonder v.d Bleyenhoek JW91,DKCH,INTCH,NLCH,BCH,LCH Red Boy v.d Bleyenhoek
Two Face v.d. Bleyenhoek


Danny & Eero BIS1.jpg (91800 byte)
This is Dannyboy, he is a beautiful bulldog boy, top winning pup in Finland,
he has a record of
10 times, BEST OF BREED, 3 times, BEST IN SHOW 1 ,
2 times, BEST OPPOSITE SEX , and 1time, BEST IN SHOW 3,
and 1time BEST IN SHOW 5

Show, date



Hamina 25.5.2002 Ralf Cambell GB / N BOB-puppy 
Joensuu, int 26.5.2002

Owe Germundsson, S

BOB, Best In Show 1 puppy (Germundsson
Ikalinen 1.6.2002   Horst Kliebenstein, D BOB, Best In Show 1 puppy (Kliebenstein)
Tuusula 2.6.2002 Rodney McDowell, I BOB-puppy
Pietarsaari 8.6.2002 Svein Helgesen, N BOB-puppy
Lapua 9.6.2002 Lilian Hanniste, EST BOB, Best In Show 1 puppy (Raita)
Lohja 16.6.2002 Lilian Hanniste, EST BOB-puppy
Forssa int 29.6.02 Paula Heikkinen.Lehkonen BOS-puppy
Loimaa 30.6.02 Kirsi Laamanen BOS-puppy
Harjavalta 6.7.02 Diego Ramalho, P BOB, Best In Show 3 puppy (Hickey)
Kokkola 14.7.02 August de Wilde, B BOB, Best In Show 5 (Jakkel)
Helsinki 21.7.02 Dee Hyde, Australia BOB-puppy

Junior Class

Valkeakoski 3.8.2002 Maria de Wilde-Voiet, B JUN class 1/1 Prize of Hounour
Heinola 25.8.2002 Libuse Ubrova, Tse JUN class 1/2 CAC bd4 CK
Danny_side_view.jpg (52964 byte) Danny.jpg (50768 byte)
Danny is son of DKCH. Schjetne's F'st Dog "Holger T'Dane" and "Schjetne's Danish'Dream", he live in Finland with Jewbull's Bulldogs 
And they love him to death, he have a wonderful home with Krisse and Kari...
...Thanks to Eero for handling him so well in the ring...


© Copyrights of all the Pictures and Web Design belongs to "SCHJETNE's BULLDOGS"

Do not copy without any permission from the owner/ web-master of this page, Nanna-Charlotte Schjetne, thanks...

Last Update of this page, 26. June 2003